Monday, December 31, 2012

BBC's Dancing on the Edge

Oh dear. I've just seen the trailer for the BBC's new series Dancing on the Edge. It appears to contain elements of murder, conspiracy and.... freemasonry. The BBC seem to have something of a habit of craftaphobia, further fuelling anti-masonic superstitions.

However I shall reserve judgement and wait and see.

But wait... was that a Chapter Principal's Jewel being worn by a Master Mason on the trailer? This would not have been possible back in the 1930s as you needed to have been an installed master before proceeding to the Chapter Chairs. The regalia also looked decidedly modern. I have just been looking at a Master Mason's apron from the 1950s and it looks nothing like the modern material we use in regalia.

Oh yes. And the guy who gives sign of cutting the throat. Why is he wearing cuffs but not a collar? Auntie, inaccurate? Hush my mouth!

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