Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Freemasons' Code: Dan Brown reveals the message that told him the door to the lodge is open

Interesting article about Dan Brown's new book. Can 't say I'm too delighted with the phrase "whose tentacles are said to extend into the highest echelons of power". What does the Independent we are? Some sort of giant octopus? 

So, for the benefit of The Independent Freemasonry is a philanthropic, charitable and social organisation, not a form of institutionalised nepotism. We don't run the government, Jay-Z is not a Freemason (as far as I know) and we don't have Barack Obama on speed dial. We're not responsible for corn circles, UFOs, Area 51, Jack the Ripper, the weather, the collapse of the banking system. Oh yes, we're not hiding the Templar treasure, either. It's a gentleman's club that encourages its members into good citizenship behaviour, end of.

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